
SIFI stands for Science Interaction and Fantasy Interaction, and as such this blog deals with both. We aren’t limited to one genre or media – rather, we address all forms of science fiction and fantasy, in all mediums, from movies, to games, to TV and books.

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth, lifelong lover of all things fantasy, is a junior at University of Texas at Dallas, studying 3-D modeling and hoping to one day create her own magical worlds for others to explore. She’s particularly interested in classic sci-fi and fantasy literature, as well as video games, both of which she grew up with, and the visual effects that go into creating the beautiful, magical worlds of fantasy we know and love.

About Tiffany

Tiffany is a junior at UT Dallas who finds writing in the third person amusing and enjoys the genres of Sci-fi and Fantasy in different forms and formats: from books (she grew up with Harry Potter) to movies (she is a Marvel fan!) and, to some extent, games (she is dying to see Final Fantasy VIII get released on mobile platforms). She loves the world of Sci-fi and Fantasy because everything can exist there, even the craziest and most unimaginable things like magic, flying superheroes, or those humongous physics-defying blades that no human could ever actually wield.

Although she loves reading and playing games, she spends significantly more time watching movies. Therefore, most of the time, you will find her blogging about movies on SIFI. However, she hopes to be able to step out her comfort zone once in a while and share with you some great sci-fi or fantasy books and games as well, so please look forward to reading them!

About Travis

Travis Johnson is a 21 year old junior in the ATEC program at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is currently studying game design, art and advertising. Although he loves all media his main focus is video games, mainly role playing and visual novel games. His favorite games include Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts and the Persona franchise. He loves games that have a compelling and twisted story to tell so it is always interesting and fun to explain to other people. One day he hopes to start his own indie video game company and make it big. He would love to be a game designer or the story producer and has his own unique style to it. For now he is finishing his degree while playing and critiquing his favorite video games. If  you are looking for coverage to some interesting science fiction video games then he is the guy to keep an eye on.

About Noor

Noor Bairuty is a 17 year old sophomore at the University of Texas at Dallas. She loves caring for animals just as much as using animal filters on snapchat. Noor is bilingual speaking Arabic at home and English in school. Hoping to get a degree in graphic design, Noor tends to make a lot of multi media artwork. Although Noor may love sci-fi and fantasy movies and games, she will always love food more.

About Sam

Sam is a New York Times best selling author, but you’ve probably never heard of him. During his downtime, he loves gaming and working on creative projects. As a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas, Sam is working towards his Software Engineering and Arts and Technology degrees. He hopes to apply his focus on UI/UX towards creating software that people enjoy using.

About Dylan

Dylan, a freshman at UT Dallas, enjoys long walks on the beach and candle lit dinners. On a serious note, he loves games, sci-fi and fantasy movies/films, and everything about the ocean.  He almost chose to study Marine Biology instead of learning about UI/UX.  What drives his interest in film/games is the escapism it provides from everyday life. On the weekend you can find him sitting in front of his computer, at his brother’s house watching movies or looking for free food.